Ticks are an inevitable part of the summer season. Ticks are a parasite and live off human and animal blood and cells. They may carry serious diseases like Lyme disease and tularemia.
Ticks are found in wooded areas. Keeping the grass and trees trimmed down and not let it grow wild will help with tick prevention. You can also have a pest control company like Pest Control of Jackson NJ spray at the beginning of the season to keep the number of ticks on your property down.
Tick bites are fairly common in New Jersey. Make sure to always check your whole body for ticks after spending time in wooded or planted areas. The sooner you remove a tick that has become attached to you, the better. Ticks will not just brush off, you will need to use a small tweezer to ensure that you remove the entire tick. After removing a tick, keep on eye out for side effects or other symtoms.
Cockroaches themselves are not a danger to humans as they do not bite or sting. They do, however, carrry several diseases which are dangerous for humans as well as contaminate the places they go with their droppings or diseases.
Although each species of cockroaches has a different life span expectancy, the average life span of a cockroach is between 3 months and two years.
For all your Pest Control Services
Mail: jacksonpestcontrolpros@gmail.com
Phone: 732-863-2239