There are over 4600 species of cockroaches across the earth but only five of them are generally found in NJ. These are the American cockroach, the German cockroach, the Asian cockroach, the Brown-banded cockroach, and the Oriental cockroach. These roaches are oval in shape, brownish reddish in color and have spidery thin legs. Cockroaches carry diseases like dysentery, diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid fever. They feed on human food, crumbs and leftovers so keeping your home clean and free of crumbs can help keep cockroaches away.
Rats can fit in very tight spots and can crawl into your home or office through small openings or pipes. They feed on scraps of food and garbage. Making sure to keep all food kept away and sealed is a key factor in keeping rats from coming into your home or business. Be sure to keep all garbage cans and trash bins covered to keep rats from coming.
Rats are a challenging rodent to exterminate. Many states have outlawed rodenticides and strong poisons so the result is either trapping, baiting or using their natural predators to exterminate rats. Depending if the rats are found inside your home or around your home, will determine which method a pest control company will use.
For the most part rats are generally not dangerous but extremely unsanitary as they like to eat and live around garbage and trash. Rats can also carry diseases such as Rat-bite fever, Salmonella, and Murine Typhus. If you ever come in direct contact with a rat, the rat may bite you, transfering the disease over to you. Another way the disease can be transmitted is through their urine and feces.
Wild rats can live up to two years while domesticated rats can live up to 4 years.
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